Main Features

Here are the core entities in the platform

Any image generated via our image generation APIs ends up in our DB and is retrievable (or deletable) via API.

Templates are garments or other physical blanks with drawable areas on them. Each Template has multiple TemplateSides, TemplateColors, and Sizes. You can think of a Template like a product.

A TemplateSide represents a part of the Template that is drawable. On the TemplateSide, we define the drawable area.

A TemplateColor is one of the colors a Template comes in.

We support universal sizes for templates: XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, and XXL. Templates that have only 1 side have a OS (one-size) Size.

A Design represents the Template with an image and/or text in one or more of the drawable areas. Like Templates and TemplateSides, Designs are composed of multiple DesignSides.

A DesignSide is a TemplateSide with a drawable area with an image and/or text inside.

Image Generation

These endpoints can be used to generate completely new images.

Use our unique fontmaker API to create graphic text in a multitude of styles.

Standard text to image with many Styles to choose from.

Standard image to image with many Styles to choose from.

Image Manipulation

These endpoints can be used to manipulate existing images.

Remove background on any image.

Send in an image and a mask to re-imagine parts of an image.

Upscale an image up to 16mp by sending a url to the image.

In order to generate images, you must pass the Style you wish to use. You should request all Styles from GET /styles and use Styles that are purpose built for each type of workflow (text, image, font)

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